Covid-19 Safety

Guidelines & Regulations

With all the new guidelines in place, there will be a few noticeable changes throughout the building. In line with government restrictions and following local council guidelines we have devised these new changes below. These must be adhered to when on our premises and using our studio hire facilities. Please read fully before making a booking or visiting the studio. For the protection of others, if you feel unwell, please stay at home.

1. A one-way walk system has been put in place, proceeding from the main entrance and leading throughout the entire building. This is clearly marked on the floor which you’ll notice as soon as you enter.

2. Hand sanitiser at the entrance (top of stairs) to be used by all before approaching the reception desk. Everyone MUST report to the reception desk before entering any studios/toilets etc. The rest of the building is out of bounds until you’ve signed in. More hand sanitisers are in place around the building, reception desk/outside studios etc. to be used upon entering and departing each studio space.

3. We have new screen protectors on the reception desk to provide a safety screen between customers and staff.

4. Notices are in place throughout the building on walls, in studios, toilets and reception desk reminding you of the rules and to wash your hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds on a regular basis.

5. We’ve limited the number of visitors at any one time, staggering the arrival and departure for each booking.

6. Arrive no earlier than 15 minutes before your booking/class as all waiting areas are no longer available for public use.